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Join the HGACBuy Program

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Become a Contractor

All products and services offered through HGACBuy have been subjected to a competitive bid or proposal process, subsequently resulting in the award of a blanket contract(s). Becoming an HGACBuy Contractor requires that you go through that process with us when we do a procurement for the products and/or services which you offer.

Learn More about Becoming a Contractor

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Become a Member

To become a Member and participate in purchasing through HGACBuy, you must:

  • Be a state agency, county, municipality, special district, or other political subdivision of a state, or a qualifying non-profit corporation (providing one or more governmental function or service)
  • Possess legal authority to enter into the Contract

Learn More About Becoming a Member

Webinar starts at 10:00 a.m. CST

HGACBuy is helping governments across the country buy. Discover how HGACBUY can streamline your procurement process and help you work and buy smart. Join us on Zoom for more information and let's work together to meet your business needs.

Webinar starts at 10:00 a.m. CST

HGACBuy is helping governments across the country buy. Discover how HGACBUY can streamline your procurement process and help you work and buy smart. Join us on Zoom for more information and let's work together to meet your business needs.

Webinar starts at 10:00 a.m. CST

HGACBuy is helping governments across the country buy. Discover how HGACBUY can streamline your procurement process and help you work and buy smart. Join us on Zoom for more information and let's work together to meet your business needs.