The Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) would like to make you aware that we have a Disaster/Emergency Letter of Intent (DLOI) that can be used by government units and non-profit associations (performing governmental functions) in need of procuring products or services to facilitate recovery from a major disaster.
The Disaster/Emergency Letter of Intent (DLOI) will be in effect for a 180-day period beginning on the date it is executed and we expect you to obtain governing body ratification by executing an Interlocal Contract (ILC) as soon as possible.
Once the Disaster/Emergency Letter of Intent (DLOI) has been signed by the official authorized to commit your jurisdiction, please deliver it immediately to H-GAC:
[email protected]
Webinar starts at 9:30 a.m. CST
The orientation will discuss:
Webinar starts at 9:30 a.m. CST
The orientation will discuss: