Using HGACBuy is extremely simple and can provide significant savings in dollars and time.
*(This step will only need to be completed once.)
Complete and sign the Interlocal Contract Form.
PO Box 22777
Houston, TX 77227-2777
Obtain specific product details from the HGACBuy website, then contact the supplier for assistance and a detailed price quote (Contract Pricing Worksheet). Supplier contact information can be found when viewing the Products and Services page.
NOTE: To comply with a funding source, OMB Uniform Guidance or other requirements, some contracts require an additional competitive step. When applicable, you will need to submit your specification/product description or scope of work to a minimum of 3 suppliers listed to obtain a detailed quotation based on the pricing and products/services awarded in the HGACBuy contract. You can make your selection/award contingent on your own criteria which must be included in your request for quote.
Prepare and submit your purchase order along with the quote directly to the relevant HGACBuy Supplier. Purchase Orders should include specific details regarding the purchase (i.e., name of the Member's contact person, shipping/delivery instructions, and installation details, if any). The Supplier must then submit these documents to HGACBuy Procurement Staff.
When the copy of a purchase order and quote are received by HGACBuy (see Step 3 above), an Order Confirmation is prepared and sent to the Member and the Supplier, authorizing the Supplier to proceed with the order.
All contracts between HGACBuy and its suppliers require prompt payment upon delivery of products/services to a Member. Upon receipt and acceptance of goods and services from the Supplier, End User must pay the Supplier directly, the full amount of the invoice within 30 days.
If you are experiencing an area wide disaster, we can accept a Disaster/ Emergency Letter of Intent(DLOI) signed by your CEO to cover a 180 day period. Click on the link below for more information.
“H-GAC has consulted with a legal expert experienced in FEMA procurement and has updated the specification and solicited new Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Recovery Contracts.”
To become an End User and participate in purchasing through HGACBuy, you must:
The End User warrants that both requirements are fulfilled by execution of an Interlocal Contract (ILC.
Click here to know more about becoming an End User.